Ear Drops and Sprays

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Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Audisol Dry Ears 30ml

What is Audisol DRY EARS? Audisol Dry Ears provides relief and prevents symptoms of swimmers ear. It eliminates water and moisture trapped in the external ear canal Water can get...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Earclear Syringe 20ml

Sometimes using Ear Clear for Ear Wax Removal or other wax removal drops may not be enough to remove all the ear wax and syringing may be required. The Ear...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Waxsol Ear Drops 10ml

Waxsol Ear Drops act by penetrating and softening ear wax. Excessive amounts of hardened ear wax can cause poor hearing, ringing in the ears, or earache. Waxsol has been scientifically...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Auralgan Ear Pain Relief Drops 15ml

Product Description Auralgan is the ear wax remover that also relieves pain and inflammation. Auralgan ear drops offer you effective relief of symptoms through its three way action. Benzocaine, a...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Audiclean Ear Wax Remover 12ml

Audiclean is a natural and safe replacement for cotton buds. It concentrates 100% Sea Serum derived from pristine waters for the cleansing benefits of the sea. It has an isotonic...
Ear Drops and SpraysNATURAL HEALTH

Weleda Levisticum Ear Drops 10ml

Oral drops to relieve pain and help dry out mucous in earache and glue ear. Take with Weleda Earache Relief Oral Drops for additional effectiveness.
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Clean Ears Ear Wax Removal Spray 30ml

Product Description CleanEars is an effective ear wax removal spray with a dual action: Cleans & dissolves earwax. An easy to use spray suitable for adults & children it contains...
Ear Drops and SpraysNATURAL HEALTH

Weleda Levisticum Comp Oral Drop 30ml

Assists in the treatment, prevention and follow-up of earache (Otitis media), including glue-ear. This is an internal, oral medicine. These internal drops are meant for longstanding conditions of increased mucous...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Happy Ear Candle Straight 1 Pair

Ear Candles have been used for centuries and is considered a painless, inexpensive, and non-invasive way to potentially remove ear wax that is easy to use in the privacy of...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Earclear Wax Removal Drops 12ml

This aids easy removal of ear wax, helps relieve ear wax and discomfort and may reduce the need for syringing.Tilt head to one side and place 5 to 10 drops...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Earclear Ear Cleanser 100ml

Helps prevent ear wax build-up by gently washing away excess waxWhat It Does?Keeps ears refreshingly clean and clear and is a gentle alternative to cotton tips.Instructions for use:Use 2 to...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Surgipack Ear Syringe Sil Rubber 60ml

Used for washing out the external ear.
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Happy Ear Candle Cone 1 Pair

Ear Candles have been used for centuries and is considered a painless, inexpensive, and non-invasive way to potentially remove ear wax that is easy to use in the privacy of...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Cerumol Ear Drops Glass Dropper 10ml

Cerumol Ear Drops are an oily preparation for the treatment of obstructive ear wax. Cerumol loosens the hard wax and makes removal easier. Treats wax obstruction Loosens wax with oil Easier...
Ear Drops and SpraysEYE and EAR

Ear Candle Spiral Plain Crombie & Price

Many people have found that ear candling useful in assisting: drying excess ear wax to allow it to fall out drying debris from past and current infections to allow it...
Ear Drops and Sprays

Weleda Levisticum 100ml

Assists in the treatment, prevention and follow-up of earache (Otitis media), including glue-ear. These drops are meant for longstanding conditions of increased mucous formation in the ear, which lead to...