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We are committed to providing and delivering top quality products to our customers. We cannot give you a refund if you change your mind about a product. We are not obligated to refund items unless they are defective or damaged. But if you are unsatisfied with any products, please call us and inform us so we can improve out service and we will discuss possible options.
For hygiene reasons, any item of a personal nature (e.g. cosmetic/sexual/skin care/food products) cannot be exchanged or returned, unless the product is faulty. We welcome the return and exchange of a product that has a manufacturer defect or damaged while in transit or if we had made an error, providing the following conditions are met:
If you have placed an order and we are unable to process it e.g. product became out-of-stock due to manufacturing issues, we will contact you and process a 100% refund or exchange it for another similar product if you wish so.
In accordance with NZ Law and Health regulations, Medicines cannot be returned for credit because once it has left the pharmacy, we cannot guarantee it has been stored in the required storage environment and it is possible the product has been tampered with. However, they can be returned for quarantine and destruction.
Our medical electrical products (such as blood glucose meters) come with NZ one year warranty if the defect has not been caused by the consumer. Omron Blood Pressure monitors come with two year warranty on their products. Please retain your proof of purchase and contact the manufacturer directly. Any postage and handling is your responsibility.